I LOVE STATIONERY! I love everything about it, from the colorful pens & pencils to the different textures of paper. There is just something about the endless possibilities one can create with just those 3 items.
A LITTLE ABOUT ME– I’m a Chinese-American woman, native New YAWWKER (Yorker), was raised in the forgotten borough of NYC, Staten Island, and have now established my roots in Brooklyn. My parents’ strong work ethic has always inspired me. It taught me to be hardworking and determined. My parents named me 浩欣 (Ho Young), meaning great & happy, for great and happy life. Although I mostly grew up being made fun of for my name, I’ve grown to very much love/appreciate it and try my best to live up to this name that they have given me. By day, I work as a Program Manager for a non-profit organization that focuses on improving care for pulmonary diseases, critical illnesses and sleep-related breathing disorders, and by night I’ve embraced the million+ roles to make PRINT2PRESSNYC.
How PRINT2PRESSNYC came about? – Sitting hours at a computer each day, I wanted to create something with my hands. What started as a handmade notepad, then slowly grew to handmade saddle-stitched, wire bound, and perfect bound notebooks. As if notebooks were not enough, I decided to branch off into note cards, glassware, and other personalized gifts as well. I’ve been humbled and honored to help many companies/organizations create custom journals to use at large events, workshops, and classrooms. Along the way, I’ve learned so much and this journey continues to be challenging, but incredibly rewarding.
The FUTURE– Creating is just the beginning. A portion of the profits will be donated to charity so that your purchase keeps on giving by helping the children of today and creating a positive impact on the world. Stay posted!